Wednesday, April 1, 2009
This is a blog with a talk radio station that makes fun of liberals. People can create their free talk show and have people blog about different topics. Their main focus is on bashing liberals and pointing fingers. Overall there are a lot of different links that will lead you to blogs, video chat and more interactive options.

Lots of police behaving badly and one funny appellate lawyer (
This blog is actually very funny and short. The blog is very humorous while pointing out the truth and hypocrisy about police. The writer of the blog incorporated links to support his claims. After every blog post there is a section where readers can add comments.

President Obama: What Is So Funny About Taxing And Regulating Marijuana?
This blog is actually very entertaining because of the various links and options to purchase gear. Although I am not an advocate of drugs and mind altering substances I thought this blog would be mildly entertaining. The best aspect about this blog is that it gets updated on a daily basis and the people who add to the website are very passionate about their cause.

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